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A member registered Jan 21, 2017

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(2 edits)

Orca seems to be a dead end. I looked for words that could be made with the remaining letters, but the only animals I found were PIKA and PEBA. I have never even heard of a peba, but apparently it's a long-nosed armadillo, and the game didn't recognize it anyway.

With these letters you could get a pair of snakes, BOA and KRAIT, but KRAIT wasn't accepted either.

KOI and CARP is another funny pair because a koi is a carp.

I've only found one trio of animals so far, and I'm ready to give up on finding the rest.

This is amazing. I can see a lot of potential for interesting puzzles.

I did find a bug where if you undo when "wall is wall" (for example), all the walls disappear until you hit restart.